The next Gracie Game Day will be on Saturday 22 February 2025 from 10AM - 11AM.
You can download the chart via the button below:
If you have only recently joined us and aren't aware how our Character Development Programme works, here's the info you need...
The greatest value in martial arts training is not in learning how to fight, but rather in developing the best of your character and sharing it with others. To ensure that your child cultivates the highest level of discipline, integrity, and honour on their jiu-jitsu journeys, we have implemented the Gracie Character Development Program. The 12-month program is comprised of six chapters. During each jiu-jitsu class we spend a few minutes discussing the featured character trait and point out the simple things they can do to “activate the trait” in their daily lives.

Qualifying for Gracie Game Day!
Every two months, we host an ultra-fun party called Gracie Game Day for all the kids who’ve shown signicant progress in developing the featured character trait. To qualify for Gracie Game Day, your child must score AGE x 100 points (for example, a 7-year-old child must score 700 points). The best part about this party is that your child’s eligibility is based entirely on your approval and verication of their at-home character development progress during the two-month period. So, don’t be surprised if your child is overly excited about making their bed and doing their chores!
Parent Point Tracking
Track your child’s points on the game day chart you can download above. Each time you cross out a triangle, it signies 10 points. If your child surpasses the 1200-point mark, continue tracking their points on a separate sheet of paper. Obedience is critical. Anytime you ask your child to do something, and they obey you without any hassle, award them 10 points. The only thing better than an obedient child is one who behaves properly without being told. Any time your child completes one of the character development tasks on their own, award them 20 points. All points scored beyond the minimum qualication amount (AGE X 100) are considered bonus points. Add the regular points and the bonus points before turning in the tracking sheet at Gracie Game Day. The child who acquires the most bonus points will win a special prize.
Success Tips
Every child is different, so it is very important that you work with your child to help them succeed. But, do not award points so easily that your child stops trying to earn them. The sample behaviours we give your child will help them understand the character trait, but you can reward them for things they do that are not on the list. You can also remove points! Discuss the featured character trait with your child, and give them ideas on things they can do to earn points every day!